Hey, friend! I'm Stef. I am an author, speaker, and podcaster, and I am so glad you're here!

I help women reclaim their God-given identities by reminding them who they are in Christ so that they can walk out in confidence who God created them to be.

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Stef shares her experiences with vulnerability, authenticity, and humor. 

As a mom of two adult human children and three quirky rescue animals, Stephanie has learned to embrace her creative side, which was buried under a lifetime of insecurities. She is a survivor of abuse and has decades of experience comparing herself to others. Her greatest joy these days is being a grandmother.

Stephanie is a roller coaster aficionado who loves a good rush of adrenaline. Her hobbies include reading, writing, painting, making a mess in the kitchen during her “creative process”, and forgetting what she came into the room to do. From time to time, her ADHD adds a new hobby (or seven). 

Stef is passionate about reminding women of their identity in Christ and has led women’s Bible study groups for both adults and teens. She loves to make others smile and, although she is a hard-core introvert, she plays the role of “class clown” effortlessly around those she knows well. 

Stephanie is learning to love the person God created her to be, even when it’s uncomfortable. She is committed to healing from her past and sharing her journey with others who wish to do the same.

Stef is also the introverted half of the writer-speaker duo Tedder and Weber.

Authentically vulnerable. Authentically Stef.

Have you ever wondered what you bring to the table? Why you’re here? If you’re even making a difference?

Well, friend, if you answered yes to any of those questions, you’re in the right place! Heck, even if YOU didn’t answer yes, you probably know someone who WOULD answer yes! Either way, I’m glad you’re here!

I know what it’s like to question your worth and people-please. I have a long history of procrastination and doubt. It wasn’t until the past few years that I finally began to understand that God isn’t holding me to the impossible standards I hold myself to; His standards are reasonable and unchanging. He offers endless grace, but I failed to accept it.

More to come, so stay tuned!

The Story of Stef

- Stephanie R. Weber

Regardless of any other titles we may hold, we must remember that we are first and foremost a beloved child of God.


Do you have a comment? Questions? A random 80's movie quote to share? I'm your gal!

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